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CALMATTERS: Central Basin Law Firm Nossaman, LLC Donates $1,000 to Asm. Cristina Garcia


Calmatters.org is reporting that Nossaman, LLC, a law firm retained by the Assembly to oversee the sexual harassment investigation into Democratic Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, donated $1,000 to her reelection, raising serious questions about its impartiality.

Nossaman, LLC is also the law firm for Central Basin Municipal Water (CB).

HMG-LCCN has reported on the law firm several times since they were hired by CB on a 3-2 vote in 2015.  Bob Apodace, Leticia Vasquez, and former Director James Roybal voted yes, Art Chacon and Phil Hawkins voted no.

HMG-LCCN later reported that Nossaman was tied to the Calderons.


Central Basin President Apodaca, Directors Vasquez and Roybal Hiring Lobbying Firm Tied to the Calderon Family


CB Director Art Chacon was perplexed. “Phil [Hawkins] and I did not know about a lobbying contract going out to bid, no one told us. At least the three could have given us the courtesy of knowing and then participating in the process. One firm (Akin Gump) is not even a registered lobbyist, apparently they have an agreement with Dunn Consulting, who just became a registered lobbyist in January of 2015. This contract has already been approved and looks to me like it was set-up from the very beginning.”

Calmatters.org reported that Nossaman disclosed the donation on Friday.

On behalf of the Assembly, Nossaman partner, attorney John T. Kennedy, is the point person for correspondence in the investigation initiated by Cerritos resident Daniel Fierro.

Fierro alleged that a visibly drunk Garcia groped him at a softball game in 2014 and recently filed a retaliation lawsuit against Garcia and Asm. Sharon Quirk-Silva that was first reported by HMG-LCCN.


EXCLUSIVE: Fullerton Asm. Quirk-Silva Under Investigation for Influence Peddling and Retaliation Against Accuser of Asm. Cristina Garcia


Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon said Nossaman is not conducting the investigation, they are just the liason between Fierro and the investigation.

When contacted by Hews Media Group an indignant Fierro commented, “it’s unfortunate that Nossaman would consider it appropriate to make a contribution to a legislator the firm has been retained to investigate. How can anyone take the investigation and its findings seriously if the investigating law firm is so invested in Asm. Garcia’s success that it’s willing give her money?

58th Assembly candidate Republican Mike Simpfenderfer told HMG-LCCN,  “Danny Fierro will never receive an honest investigation with the good ole boy and good ole girl corrupt system in Sacramento. Honesty and the truth simply lacks. Experienced federal law enforcement from outside California conducting the investigation is perhaps the only way we will find the truth. Danny Fierro deserves better