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PAC Advertisement Slams Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, Uses Unflattering Selfie of Garcia in Costume


Working Californians Against Corruption, a PAC opposing Christina Garcia for Assembly 2018,  is publishing a print advertisement in HMG-LCCN slamming Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia as a “Real Horror Story.”

The ad  lists seven reasons not to vote for Garcia including taking expensive trips all over the world; taking money from private prisons, pornographers, and payday lenders; lying about earning a Masters and a PhD;  drinking on the job; making violent and racist comments; making homophobic comments; and sexually harassing staff and colleagues.

The ad also features an alarming “selfie” presumably taken by Garcia while she was on the driver’s side of a car; Garcia is dressed as a scarecrow.

Major funding for the ad comes from the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 92 PAC, and the District Council of Ironworkers Political Action League.

The ad will appear in tomorrow’s HMG-LCCN print newspaper.