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Central Basin Municipal Water Incumbent Arturo “Art” Chacon Will Seek Re-election in November

Norwalk – Incumbent Arturo Chacon pulled papers this past Wednesday, August 8 at the Los Angeles County Registrar- Recorder’s Office in Norwalk to run for a fourth term on the board of the Central Basin Water District to serve the residents of District 3.
Chacon has represented the cities of Bell, Commerce, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Maywood, Walnut Park, Monterey Park, Vernon and the unincorporated areas of East Los Angeles by working to provide clean, safe, and affordable water to the residents and local business community of Division 3. 
Chacon is a married man of faith and a father of three children.  He credits his mother, Paula, who raised seven children as a single mom in a working-class neighborhood in Los Angeles, as the person who instilled the values of working hard every day, to serve his community with integrity, and always stand up to all types of bullying.
Chacon is the only candidate running with any real water leadership experience.  As a water board director, he exposed corruption at Central Basin and voted against unethical contracts knowing he would be a potential target by powerful interest groups.
“Leadership and courage is about doing the right thing for the people and community you represent, regardless of the political threats and powerful enemies you may encounter when opposing powerful special interest groups,” he said. “I am not afraid to stand up against political bullying and corruption, and fight for the best interest of our community.”
His support of building underground tunnels will provide clean, safe reliable water for the southern California region so that residents would never have to encounter another water drought again. 
Chacon is proud to stand on his proven record of sound water policy and strong advocacy for the residents of his district, by always opposing any water rate increases, while initiating cost savings by cutting over $2.5 million in government waste.
He also approved the largest sale of recycled water that generated over $40 million dollars to Central Basin, while currently maintaining over $8 million dollars in the Central Basin’s budget reserves.
If re-elected, Chacon will continue to oppose water rate increases, continue to stand up against corruption, and provide clean, safe and affordable water.  
He encourages the voters not to be misled by dirty politics and vote for him at the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018.
For more information please visit www.chacon4cleanwater.com