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THIRD WORLD: Trump Administration Taking Children Away from Immigrant Parents at Border

Courtesy: Latest.com

By Brian Hews

The New York Times has confirmed with federal officials, who initially denied to provide data, that “approximately” 700 children have been taken from their parents at the Mexican border and swept away to federal detention center while their parents are left behind.

Trump ordered it, tried to deny it, but the “failing New York Times” was able to finally get the numbers to confirm the “deterrent policy” from the Department of Homeland Security.

The Times reported that one young woman, a refugee from Honduras, arrived at the border with her 18-month old son. The lady said in a sworn federal statement that agents ordered her to place her son in the back of their vehicle.

“They both cried as he was taken away.”

The agency tried to deny it saying, “we do not separate children from their families as a deterrent to crossing the border. But in the “best interests” of minor children, occasionally we must separate them when we cannot ascertain the parental relationship or if we think the child is in danger.”

Why not turn them back? What is their definition of best interests? What is their interpretation of danger when the parents just travelled through tear gas and political strife to find a better life?

Trump officials in the past have floated the idea of this deterrence policy.

Empty barrel liar John F. Kelly proposed it while at Homeland Security last year.

But they told the media, “the policy was never adopted.”

Tell that to the 700 families that have been separated.

The children are taken to shelters run by government workers, paid for with our tax dollars. Guantanamo North.


They seek to identify a relative or guardian in the United States who can “take over the childcare,” but often the children languish indefinitely because they arrive without records.


Once the child is in system, there is no process to determine whether they have been separated from someone who is their parent.


There is also no process for reuniting parents and children who had been mistakenly separated.

The Honduran refugee along with the ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of many immigrant parents seeking to prevent family separation at the border.


Allow a few seconds to digest the meaning of that paragraph as a citizen of these United States.

The Honduran woman, in a sworn declaration filed in the lawsuit by the ACLU, said she was never told why her son was being taken away from her.


Since February the only word she has received about him has come from the case manager at the facility in San Antonio where he is being held.

Her son asks about her all the time and cried all the time in the days after he arrived at the facility the case worker said.

“I had no idea I would be separated from my child for seeking help, “she said.

The Times reported that Trump has repeatedly expressed frustration that the agency “has not been aggressive enough” in policing the border and that they presented Trump with a list of policies including the plan to separate adults from their children.

Sources told the Times the president urged the Secretary of Homeland Security to move forward with the policies.

Even groups that support hardline immigration policies do not endorse a family separation policy. Jessica Vaughan, director policy studies for the center for immigration studies told the Times, “family separation should be only use as a last resort. “


Gee, how nice of Miss Vaughan, who, given her origin name as Welsh, at some point had immigrant relatives come into the United States.