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Water Replenishment District Donates $2,500 To Cerritos Park East Tot Lot Program

Greeting parents and tots, as they arrived for the holiday party at CPE, were (l-r): parent advocate Emily Chen-Darnell, Water Replenishment District Vice-President John Allen and CPE Tot President Surya Villarina.


By Larry Caballero

Cerritos Park East Tot Lot Holiday Event was held Dec. 20 at the CPE Recreation Center where Cerritos Mayor Grace Hu praised the children and parents for participating.

WRD Vice-President John Allen presented a $2,500 water replenishment community grant that will be used to continue to provide needed services.

Parent advocate Emily Chen-Darnell said, “Parents are the first teachers our children learn from, and participation in our child’s educational development is essential. All of us here thank the WRD for this generous donation.”

Cerritos Park East Tot Lot is a parent cooperative preschool program whose purpose is to provide a pleasant, supervised learning experience for preschool aged children through parental participation and involvement, and to prepare them for kindergarten.

The Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) is the largest groundwater agency in the State of California, managing and protecting local groundwater resources for four million residents. WRD’s service area covers a 420-square-mile region of southern Los Angeles County, the most populated county in the United States. The 43 cities in the service area, including a portion of the City of Los Angeles, uses about 250,000 acre-feet (82 billion gallons) of groundwater annually which accounts for approximately half of the region’s water supply.