DORA SANDOVAL _____________________________ ST. NORBERT CHURCH           RATES _______________________


Bring Food for the Needy Prior to the Grand Opening of the ABC PTA Parent Center


Opens Thursday, November 16, 2017, donations can be delivered now until Nov. 14 to the address below.

The PTA’s goal is feed at least 100 families.
Below for the list of items we are seeking to collect

Please help us collect non-perishable food items for our families! Items needed:

Dry Beans
Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit in Juice
Canned Vegetables
Low Sodium Soup
Canned Tuna in Water
Canned Chicken
Shelf Stable Milk
Whole Grain Pasta
Canned Stews
Low Sugar Cold Cereals
Apple Sauce
Olive or Canola Oil
Dried Fruit
Chicken or Vegetable Broth
100% Juice
Unsalted Nuts
Granola Bars
Monetary donations


Donations may  be delivered to the
ABC PTA Parent Center
12350 226th St. RM 111
Hawaiian Gardens 90716

Now through November 14, 2017

Questions or Volunteer Opportunities

Contact Committee Chair
Victoria Conrique
[email protected]
– or –
LaQuisha Anderson
[email protected]