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REPORT: Standoff in Cerritos on Alexander Street After Long Beach PD Serves Warrant


Residents have called HMG-CN saying there is a standoff in Cerritos with over 50 shots fired.

HMG-CN can confirm that LBPD served a  warrant and came under fire, the officers were able to evade the shots and the suspect is now barricaded in the house on Alexander St.

No officers were hurt, the Command Post will be at  183rd and Marquardt.

Residents have been evacuated, the Carmenita off-ramp off the 91 freeway is closed.

Carmonita offramp westbound 91 closed, police activity on freeway next to sound wall.

Carmonita is closed at 183.

Concordia Lutheran is closed, reports are saying Cerritos elementary still open but parents are turning around seeing all the activity.

Reports are saying it was a drug related warrant, high-risk warrant,  and the man is barricaded in an apartment.

SWAT  is on scene now