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Community Calendar Oct 28-Nov.4

Arts Colony of La Mirada Art Show
The Arts Colony of La Mirada will present their “Mirrors of your Mind” annual juried open art show in November.  Local artists are welcome to enter.   Take in for artworks will be on November 1 and 2 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the La Mirada Activity Center, 13810 La Mirada Blvd. in La Mirada 90638.  The artworks will be on exhibit beginning November 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. excluding weekends and ending with the awards reception on Saturday, November 19  from 3:00 to 5:00.  Entry forms may be accessed on the Colony’s website,  For further information call 562-448-3427 or 562-941-4116.
Norwalk Hosts 2016 “Monster Bash”
All ages are invited to dress in costume and enjoy this safe, fun alternative to trick or treating.
Norwalk Recreation and Park Services Department presents the City’s annual Halloween festival on Monday, October 31, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.  This free event is open to the public and takes place on the Civic Center Lawn at Norwalk City Hall, 12700 Norwalk Boulevard (corner of Imperial Highway).
The evening’s theme, “Monster Bash,” celebrates witches, ghosts, goblins and all creatures calling Halloween their favorite holiday.  Activities, entertainment and costume contests highlight the evening’s programming, which focuses on family and community.  New this year, the Scarecrow Contest offers prizes to participants with the best homemade creations in three categories: Traditional, Most Original and Monster Bash. Application deadline is October 24.  Visit or call (562) 929-5521 for details.  Food will be available for purchase.
Schedule of Events
6:00 p.m. Festival opens: Games, crafts, attractions, live band and food vendors
6:30 p.m. Community Scarecrow Contest judging
7:00 p.m. Costume Contests (Arrive 15 minutes early to join the line up)
9:00 p.m. Festival closes
Kids Art Exhibition at Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach  
Join Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach for this year’s pediatric patient art exhibition featuring the artwork of current and former patients. The first 150 attendees will receive a free original patient art calendar. Patient art calendars and greeting cards will be available for purchase to benefit the Artful Healing Program at Miller Children’s. Contact Denise Clayton-Leonard at (562) 243-0170 for more information.  Friday, Oct. 28, noon – 5 p. m. Miller Children’s, Houssels Forum 2801 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806
Cerritos Veterans Day Ceremony
The community is invited to attend the City of Cerritos Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, November 11 near the Cerritos Veterans Memorial in the Cerritos Civic Center. The program begins at 9:45 a.m. with prelude music and the ceremony is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. The event is being held in honor of those who have defended our nation’s freedom by serving in the United States Armed Forces.
For more information about the Veterans Day Ceremony, contact the Community Participation Division at (562) 865-8101.
League of Women Voters to Discuss Nov. 8 Propositions at AAUW Meeting
The public is invited to come to the Thursday, October 20, 2016 meeting of t the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Skyline Room of the Cerritos Library at 18025 Bloomfield Avenue in Cerritos. Guest speakers Sue Guilford, President of the Central Orange County League of Women Voters, and Secretary Frankie Brady, will be presenting the pros and cons of different propositions that will be on the ballot on November 8.
There are 17 propositions on the Statewide Ballot this year, dealing with the death penalty, gun control, plastic bags, healthcare and other issues.  The League of women Voters urges everyone to come and be informed about the propositions before you cast your ballot so you will know who sponsored the measures, what will change if it passes, what the arguments for and against are, wo supports or opposes and who is donating money for or against the measures. The program will be presented in balanced non-partisan manner.
There will be a brief business meeting prior the presentation by the League of Women Voters and new members are always welcome.  For more information, contact President Paulette Smith at 714-897-7848.
California Retired Teachers Association Meeting
California Retired Teachers Association “CalRTA” Area VIII, Whittier Division 31 welcomes retired, active and friends of education to its meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at the Elks Lodge #1258, 13620 E. Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA.
Themes: Retired Teachers week November 6-12 and Veterans will be recognized.
The 1:00 p.m. entertainment is a presentation on The History of California.
Meeting begins at 11:00 a.m., luncheon at 12:00 noon. Menu consists of Roast Turkey, potatoes, salad, vegetable, roll, pumpkin pie, coffee, iced tea.
Cost is $18.00. Call Margery Barnings, 562-861-7693 to make a reservation.
Artesia  Chamber 2016 
Business Expo
The business expo will take place Sat.  November 12th from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM. It will be held at the Artesia Community Center 18750 Clarkdale Ave. in Artesia. Tables are available to connect and engage and promote your business. You can contact Ina Dahilig at 562-881-8743 or [email protected]
Cerritos Regional Chamber Of Commerce E-Waste Drive
This is a free event, Saturday, October 29 from 9 AM to 3 PM in the Liberty Park parking lot located at 19033 Studebaker Rd. in Cerritos.
From more information call 562-467-0800 or email the chamber at [email protected].
Representatives from Beachside Recycling will be on hand to recycle your unwanted electronic equipment including televisions, monitors, , computers, telephones, cell phones, cameras, video cameras, printers, speakers, radios.
Golden Future 50+ Senior Expo
The 6th Annual Golden Future 50+ Senior Expo will be held on Saturday, November 5th at the Angel Stadium of Anaheim from 10:00am – 3:00pm inside the Exhibition Center at GATE 6.  The address is 2000 Gene Autry Way, Anaheim, CA 92806.
The event will feature 100 vendors with products, services, and resources tailored to the 50+ demographic.
“Baby Boomers and Seniors have redefined every stage of their life and are now redefining the aging process” says Toyia Moore, Event Producer at Golden Future Expos.  “The Golden Future 50+ Senior Expo will be a Power-Up day for people to get out and socialize, access health resources, shop for products and services, and be entertained and informed.  Our participating Sponsors and Exhibitors put a tremendous amount work into their expo presence; we are certain that attendees will really appreciate and enjoy it!  These events are really a who’s who of those who offer goods and services to the 50+ market” said Moore.
For more information, visit or contact us directly at 424-772-6039.
AARP Smart Driver Course at Long Beach Memorial
 The AARP Smart Driver Course is for anyone over the age of 55 who needs to tune up their driving skills, learn defensive driving techniques and more. Cars have new gadgets and traffic laws have adapted to fit a modern world. The AARP course educates older adult drivers on these changes and ensures they understand that their health is an important aspect of driving. The eight-hour AARP course is broken up into two four-hour sessions. Call (562) 933-1650 to register.  Cost: $15 for AARP members $20 for non-AARP members  Tuesday, Nov. 15, 9 a. m. – 1 p. m. | Radiation/Oncology Conference Room Thursday, Nov. 17, 9 a. m. – 1 p. m. | Classroom 1 Long Beach Memorial 2801 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90806.
Learn the Fundamentals 
of Blacksmithing
Learn the fundamentals of blacksmithing in a full day workshop introducing this ancient art. Students work on a small project and practice operating a charcoal pit forge while shaping hot metal into items of both aesthetic form and practical function. The class will focus on one of three projects, including a two-tined fork, a spoon, or a table knife. Students will learn:
Building and operating an efficient charcoal pit forge
Ergonomic metalsmithing mechanics
Fundamental blacksmithing techniques including: tapers, scrolls, twists, drawing, hot cutting, and more
Hand craft a utilitarian steel project using only simple tools
Saturday, October 29, 10am-4pm
Private Location, Santa Fe Springs
Registration $80-95
Free Concert at Granada Heights Friends Church
Love La Mirada and Granada Heights Friends Church are partnering in presenting a free concert by Ensemble In Promptu, a woodwind/piano quartet of internationally respected musicians and faculty members from CSUF.
Featuring Rong-Huey Liu, oboe, Hakan Rosengren, clarinet, Jean Ferrandis, flute, and Mikhail Korzhev, piano, this ensemble will dazzle with their virtuosic talents.  Repertoire will include Saint-Saens, Damase, Amberg, and Schubert.
Sunday November 13, 6:00 p.m. at Granada Heights Friends Church, 11818 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada, 90638.  More information about Love La Mirada and the concert series will be announced, and an offering will be taken.”
American Association of University Women Meeting
American Association of University Women will meet at Leisure World, Clubhouse 3, Room 1, 13533 Seal Beach Boulevard, Seal Beach, CA 90740 on Saturday, November 5 at 9:30 hear the story of student Nicole De La Loza Rivera, who received a Career Development grant from AAUW.
Nicole De La Loza Rivera will tell about her career and how a Career Development grant from AAUW helped her achieve her goals. Nicole is a career and talent development professional with more than seven years of experience in nonprofit management and training and development. She understands soft and hard skills needed in order for individuals from underserved communities to advance in their careers, and is excited to cultivate these skills. Mix and Mingle at 9:30 a.m., meeting at 10:00, Program at 10:30 and lunch at 11:30 catered by Baja Fresh “Customized Taco Bar”. Price $13.00.  RSVP by October 29 to Lee Tsao at [email protected]. Due to security at the gate, reservations must be made in advance to attend.
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