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Ron Piazza Takes Over Mayor’s Post in Lakewood

New Lakewood Mayor Ron Piazza

New Lakewood Mayor Ron Piazza.

By Tammye McDuff

The Lakewood City Council held their reorganization on Tuesday selecting Ron Piazza to serve as Lakewood’s mayor for 2016-17 and naming Diane DuBois as vice mayor.

This will be the first term as mayor for Piazza, who was originally appointed to the council in December 2012. DuBois has been on the city council since 2005 and has served as mayor and vice mayor twice.

“I want to thank my fellow residents,” said Piazza. “You are the key ingredient that makes this city the wonderful place that it is.” Lakewood still retains that small town feeling and still has many residents who have lived in the city since 1954. “We are also fortunate to have new residents—and businesses—that continue to move to Lakewood, looking for a safe, well run, and family friendly community to call home,” said Piazza.

The council’s annual reorganization night began with gathering of VIP’s and residents that expressed their appreciation to Jeff Wood for his 2015-2016 terms as mayor. Piazza presented remarks to about 150 people gathered in the city council chambers.

“I am honored to serve as your mayor for this next year,” said Piazza. “I pledge to do my best, working with my council colleagues, our city staff, and all our residents and businesses community members to keep Lakewood the great place that it’s been.”

Piazza noted that Lakewood is a special community. He articulated appreciation for all that the city and residents have provided him growing up in Lakewood, mentioning personal and professional mentors.

“I have had many wonderful mentors helping me over the years. Our community is rich with them.” Piazza recalled his first boss, Dick Robinson, who was very involved in community organizations, and insisted that he join the Lakewood Jaycees. Piazza also commented on Council Member Larry Van Nostrum, whose passing created the vacancy he now fills, noting also that he learned much from Howard Chambers, who he has known and worked with for more than 40 years.

“But what I have been able to experience over my last three years on the council,” adds Piazza,” is what an extraordinary group of men and women we have serving right now. What has impressed me, and should impress our residents, about these four individuals sitting here with me tonight is the dedication, integrity and skill they bring to our city. They all have varied backgrounds and strengths, different perspectives and points of view. But what they all have in common is insisting that we do what is in the best interests of the city and its residents.”

The new Mayor went on to say while Lakewood is very well run, and sometimes even boring, the occasional challenges are met with thoughtful and collaborative decision making. “I hope to continue that tradition by encouraging even more of that same good dialogue,” he adds.

“I know we will not always agree, but I have seen us do our best work when we all weigh in on the difficult issues, always being respectful of our individual opinions. As I immerse myself into this job, I hope along the way that I can make a small difference for this community. And if so, I will have achieved my personal goal as mayor,” Piazza said.