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Trinity Speaker’s Forum in Cerritos Welcomed Ray Comfort, Living Waters Founder and CEO



Living Waters Founder and CEO Ray Comfort.

Living Waters Founder and CEO Ray Comfort.

Staff Report

Overflowing with song, laughter and truth, the Trinity Speakers Forum was a popular event at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts on Friday January 15th, as the community welcomed Founder and CEO of Living Waters, Ray Comfort.

Carrying a Bible to the stage as big as a brick, Ray joked, “I brought my pocket-sized Bible today!” Ray shared his story of how God called a New Zealand surfer to serve in His kingdom and share the gospel with others. Ray became a pastor, and after 3 short years, he realized that rather than a pastor, he was called to be an evangelist. His evangelistic heart contStaff Reportinually led him out to the harvest fields and it was a challenge to shepherd a congregation. This has led him to start Living Waters, a ministry focused on equipping Christians to share the Gospel through tracts, deliberate questions, and movies.

Ray showed a snippet video of what he does on a weekly basis at the Huntington Beach pier, on different college campuses, and other locations. The video featured an individual responding to Ray’s questions: “Would you consider yourself a good person?” To which the individual responded, “Yes.” From there Ray takes them on an adventure of showing them their sin and need for God, then presents the grace and forgiveness of Jesus.

Additionally, Ray shared how everything in creation is living proof of a creator. Just how one would never doubt that a building was made by a builder, or a painting was painted by an artist, the intricate world we live in displays the creativity of a designer. To spark some conversation, Ray shared how, on one occasion, he carried a giant model of DNA around a campus. When a student would approach him saying, “What are you doing?” he would respond by saying, “Fishing for atheists – are you an atheist?”  From there, Ray would spark conversation and ask deliberate questions that would challenge their thinking.

To conclude the event, Trinity made a special presentation of their new Love Thy Neighbor Campaign, Loose Change to Change Lives, for February and March.

Loose Change to Change Lives is a baby bottle campaign to benefit Women’s Pregnancy Care Clinic as they seek to erase the need for an abortion through effectively serving pregnant, at-risk women and by transforming their fears into confidence.

The clinic’s services are 100% free, including ultrasounds, counseling, and support groups.

If you’d like to get involved, pick up a baby bottle at Trinity’s office (12921 E. 166th St. Cerritos), or grab any baby bottle and fill it with coins, bills, or checks made to Women’s Pregnancy Care Clinic. All baby bottles will be collected on March 18th at Trinity’s Speakers Forum. For more information email [email protected].

Join Trinity and their guest, founder of Positively Waiting! Karen Kropf next month on February 19th at 9 a.m. at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts.