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Whittier Man Tased, Shot by Police

WHITTIER (CNS) – A 47 year-old man was fatally shot by a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputy as the man was being tased by another deputy in an unincorporated area near Whittier, authorities said today.

The suspect, the subject of a “family disturbance” call to the sheriff’s department, was drunk and had been arguing and damaging property, Deputy Trina Schrader said. 

Upon their arrival, the subject threatened deputies and said he was going to bash their heads in,” Schrader said.

Schrader said the suspect went back into the residence where the call originated, then returned with a metal bar which he swung at a deputy, striking him in an arm. That deputy then fired at the suspect, hitting him in the upper torso, while another deputy deployed the taser, Schrader said. 

The injured deputy was hospitalized for minor injuries to his left arm, Schrader said. No deputies were injured, deputy Kelvin Moody said. The shooting happened about 11:40 p. m. in the 12000 block of Rose Hedge Drive, Moody said.