Cutest Pet _____________________ ST. NORBERT CHURCH   RATES


May 4-10 Cerritos Crime Summary


There were 20 Part I felony crimes reported in Cerritos this past reporting period, a decrease of seven from the previous week. The following is a breakdown of crimes by category: two robberies; one aggravated assault; four residential burglaries; one commercial/other structure burglary; ten vehicle burglaries; and two grand thefts. Cerritos Station deputies made six felony arrests, 16 misdemeanor arrests, six warrant arrests, and issued 135 citations. The Sheriff’s dispatch center received a total of 273 calls, an increase from the 2015 weekly average of 246.


11500 block of South St (Attempt, 05/09 – Late Evening): The victim was leaving the store when he was approached by a male suspect. The suspect asked the victim if he could use the victim’s phone to make a phone call. The victim told the suspect to use the phone inside the store. The suspect pulled out a knife and told the victim to give him his wallet. The victim shouted for someone to help him, which prompted the suspect to leave. The victim never gave the suspect his wallet or his phone.

13500 block of Reva Pl (Attempt, 05/07 – Morning): The victim was entering his car to go to work when the suspects pulled up behind him in a vehicle. The driver, a male suspect, pointed a handgun at the victim and told him to give him his wallet. The victim, fearing for his safety, ran away. The suspect fled the location without obtaining anything from the victim.

Aggravated Assault:

19200 block of Alphington Ave (05/05 – Day): Cerritos Sheriff’s personnel responded to the location regarding an assault call. The suspect and victim are known to each other. One of the parties was arrested for assault.

Residential Burglary:

13700 block of Darvalle St (05/05-06 – Unknown Time): The suspect(s) entered the garage of the home through an unlocked door. The suspect(s) stole two bicycles from the garage but no entry made into the home.
13500 block of Felson St (05/05 – Unknown Time): The suspect(s) entered the home by throwing a brick through a home office window. The suspect(s) stole several expensive handbags and miscellaneous US currency.
13100 block of Briarwood St (05/05 – Day): The suspect(s) entered the home through a rear sliding door which had been locked. The suspect(s) stole valuables and miscellaneous US currency.
12400 block of Autumn Breeze St (Attempt, 05/05 – Day): The suspect(s) attempted to enter the home by throwing a brick through the window. The window did not completely shatter and the suspects were unable to make entry.

Commercial/Other Structure Burglary:

11300 block of South St (05/08): The suspects entered the location by shattering the front glass door. It is currently unknown if anything was stolen.

Grand Theft:

12800 block of Towne Center Dr (05/06): The suspect entered the location during normal business hours and proceeded to fill up a shopping cart with several items. Once the shopping cart was full the suspect exited the store without paying. Loss Prevention officers detained the suspect outside of the store and the suspect was arrested for grand theft.
16800 block of Chaparral Ave (05/04): The suspect(s) stole several electronic items that had been left inside of an unlocked vehicle.

Vehicle Burglary:

12200 block of Del Amo Blvd (05/07): The suspect(s) entered a 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe, 2004 GMC Envoy, and a 2014 Ford Escape by shattering the passenger and driver side windows of the vehicles. Purses and briefcases were stolen.
12700 block of Towne Center Dr (05/09): The suspect(s) entered a 1996 Honda Civic and stole miscellaneous paperwork. It is unknown how entry into the vehicle was made.
16900 block of Sierra Vista Way (05/03-04): The suspect(s) entered a 2012 Nissan Murano by using an unknown device to unlock the driver side door. Stolen from the vehicle was a pair of sunglasses and miscellaneous US currency.
12800 block of Towne Center Dr (05/07): The suspect(s) entered a 1995 Honda Accord, possibly by applying inward and downward pressure on the driver’s side window to force it down. The suspect(s) stole miscellaneous clothing and an electronic device.
12200 block of Del Amo Blvd (05/03-04): The suspect(s) entered a 2007 Lexus GS350 by shattering the passenger side window. Stolen from the vehicle was miscellaneous paperwork.
11900 block of Bingham St (05/10): The suspect(s) entered a 2013 Buick Encore by shattering the passenger side window. Stolen from the vehicle were several pairs of shoes and a gym bag.
16700 block of Moorbrook Ave (05/01-02): The suspect(s) entered a 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe and stole the vehicle’s 3rd row seat and a backpack. It is unknown how entry was made into the vehicle.
12700 block of Towne Center Dr (05/07): The suspect(s) entered a 1995 Honda Accord and stole a sports bag and wallet left inside. It is unknown how entry was made into the vehicle.
16100 block of Studebaker Rd (05/05): The suspect(s) entered a 2005 Ford 2500HD by shattering the passenger side window. Stolen from the vehicle was a tool bag containing miscellaneous tools.
12900 block of Park Plaza Dr (05/01): The suspect(s) entered a 2007 Ford F150 by shattering the driver side window. Stolen from the vehicle were several work tools and safety clothing.

Simple Prevention Tips
Most criminals are opportunists who are constantly watching, waiting and hoping that an unsuspecting citizen presents them with a “golden” opportunity to commit a crime. If a person avoids creating opportunities for theft, then they will significantly reduce their chances of becoming a victim.
There are simple steps that can be taken to reduce the opportunities presented to criminals. The steps include: not leaving items of value in the passenger compartment of your vehicle that can be seen from outside; parking your vehicle in the garage at night; checking that all windows and doors are locked before leaving home; installing hardware in sliding glass windows and doors to keep them from moving vertically or horizontally when closed; making sure that exterior doors are of solid core construction and have deadbolts; installing an alarm system and posting alarm company signs in front of your home; avoiding the use of ATMs at night; walking in pairs (street robbers rarely approach multiple victims); and using a steering wheel locking device in your car as a visible deterrent to avoid theft.
If you see suspicious person(s) or activity in your neighborhood or business, call Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044 or 911 for emergencies.
It’s a good idea to keep the Sheriff’s Station telephone number stored in your cell phone for quick reference.