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Rotary Shopping Spree Benefits La Mirada Children

La Mirada students and volunteers stand outside Marshalls after members of the Rotary Club sponsored a shopping spree for local children in need. This year, 46 La Mirada children took part in the shopping spree and each child had a budget of $110 to spend at Marshall’s on new clothing, jackets and shoes.

La Mirada students and volunteers stand outside Marshalls after members of the Rotary Club sponsored a shopping spree for local children in need. This year, 46 La Mirada children took part in the shopping spree and each child had a budget of $110 to spend at Marshall’s on new clothing, jackets and shoes.


HMG-CN Community Wire

Members of the Rotary Club of La Mirada helped spread holiday cheer recently as it sponsored a holiday shopping spree for local children in need at Marshalls Department Store.
This year, 46 La Mirada children took part in the shopping spree and each child had a budget of $110 to spend at Marshall’s on new clothing, jackets and shoes.
After the shopping spree, the children rode La Mirada Transit buses over to the La Mirada Activity Center where they enjoyed a visit by Santa Claus and sang carols.
Holiday spirit filled the room as students sang ‘Here Comes Santa Claus’ while Santa jollily entered the room. He then presented each student with a special toy gift which was provided by the Rotary Club.
Chick-fil-A was present and provided lunch for all of the children. The famous Chick-fil-A cow was also there to take photos and meet the kids.
“We changed this year’s event a little and included the families of the children who were chosen,” said Rotary Club member Hal Malkin. “We wanted it to be all-inclusive so if any of the students had siblings, they were also invited to participate in the event.”
Deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel, and employees from local businesses were among the many community volunteers who also took part in the event and helped the children select their clothing items.