[l-r] Dr. Cheryl Bodger, Valencia Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent-Academic Services Director of Schools, Celia Spitzer, Board Member; Ray Gaer, President-ABCFT, Dr. Mary Sieu, Superintendent; and Rich Saldana, Teacher-Artesia HS and PAL (Partnership with Administration and Labor) Coordinator.
A team from ABC Unified School District was invited to present at the National Labor Management Conference held in St. Louis, MO on February 27-28, 2014. The team included Dr. Mary Sieu, Superintendent; Celia Spitzer, Board Member; Ray Gaer, President-ABCFT; Valencia Mayfield, Assistant Superintendent-Academic Services; Dr. Cheryl Bodger, Director of Schools and Rich Saldana, Teacher-Artesia HS and PAL (Partnership with Administration and Labor) Coordinator.
The Conference was sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Education, National Education Association, National School Boards Association, American Association of School Administrators, Council of the Great City Schools, Council of Chief State School Offices, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and the American Federation of Teachers. This was the third joint conference on labor-management sponsored by these organizations. The theme of the conference was “On the Same Page: Effective Implementation of College-and Career Ready Standards through Labor Management Collaboration.
The ABC team was invited based on their strong labor-management collaborative efforts during the past 15 years. They were one of only two school districts presenting during the Plenary Session of the Conference. ABCUSD was highlighted as an example of a school district where teachers and administrators are actively engaged in successfully implementing college and career ready standards. Over 300 people attended the Conference to also work on plans to continue collaboration among labor and management partners.
U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan supported the work of the conference attendees and challenged the group to continue the conversation and action plans developed.