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Cerritos Okays Water Well Improvement

Official seal of City of Cerritos

Official seal of City of Cerritos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From the  HMG-News Desk

The Cerritos City Council recently authorized City staff to execute an agreement with Waukesha Pearce Industries, Inc. (WPI) in the amount of $117,109 to overhaul the C-1 water well Waukesha engine.

According to city spokesperson Annie Hylton, WPI is the only authorized Waukesha repair contractor in California.

The Waukesha engine operates continuously and allows the C-1 water well to supply approximately 1,600 gallons per minute of potable water directly into the City’s water distribution system. The engine overhaul is expected to take several months and will be completed during the winter months when the demand for water decreases.

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