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Below is LCCN’s article timeline of the DA’s investigation of the LA County Assessor’s Office

Original post Mar 10, 2012

This timeline below clearly shows Los Cerritos Community News was the first to break the story and continues to lead all news sources. Those same news sources continue to not attribute the story to LCCN.

As a loyal reader we ask you to e-mail the LA Times and ask them to source our little community newspaper….it is very important to do so.



E-mail from LA Times to LCCN publisher acknowledging that LCCN broke the story first

Below is a copy of the e-mail the LA Times sent after their Feb. 19 story broke on Noguez. LCCN had run three stories prior to the LAT story yet they failed to source LCCN.

You can follow the timeline of articles below the document.

Click on image below to view document.


Click here to view the PDF.