There were 18 Part I felony cases initiated by Cerritos Sheriff’s Station deputies during this reporting period, compared to 23 the week before. Increases were noted in residential burglaries. Commercial burglaries and vehicle thefts remained the same, while vehicle burglaries dropped. There were 254 calls for service handled during this reporting period, down from 315 the previous one. The 2012 weekly average in calls for service is 260.
There were no robberies reported during the week.
Residential burglaries increased from two to three. Open/unlocked doors or windows were the entry points in all three.
Golf clubs, jewelry, laptop computers, and a TV were taken. The 2012 weekly average in residential burglaries is now 4.5.
If you park a vehicle on the street or in the driveway overnight, make sure that you remove the garage door opener and take it inside with you. These are commonly taken and used to gain access into the garage for the purpose of residential burglary.
For the second consecutive week, one commercial burglary was investigated. A hole was cut in the wall of an adjacent closed business and used to access another. A loss could not be determined. The 2012 weekly average in commercial burglaries is now 1.2.
Vehicle burglaries were down from nine to seven. High-volume commercial parking lots were the locations in four, and four were SUVs. Third-row seats (from SUVs), along with laptop computers, backpacks, books, purses, ID, credit cards, and cell phones. The 2012 weekly average in vehicle burglaries is 6.2.
Visible property inside the passenger compartment = stolen property! You always risk losing your valuables when they are left in an unattended vehicle.
Vehicle thefts remained the same at two. High-volume commercial parking lots were the locations in both cases last week. A Honda and an SUV were stolen. Our 2012 weekly average in vehicle thefts is now 4.5.
Vehicles are generally taken for two purposes; transportation and parts. While most involve the former, we see many Honda and Toyotas taken for replacement parts. SUVs are frequently targeted for DVD players, and more often seats. This has become more prevalent in Cerritos as of late. Make a small investment and purchase a steering wheel locking device. This visible deterrent may be just what you need to avoid being victimized as it could send the thief to find another vehicle that is not so well equipped.
Go to for an extensive library of crime prevention tips, disaster preparedness information, and a variety of links to other pertinent sites.
Neighborhood Watch Town Hall Meeting Announced
The next Neighborhood Watch Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Senior Center located at 12340 South Street (at Ely Avenue). Please join us as members of the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station/Community Safety Center will offer an in-depth presentation on crime in Cerritos. Plan on being there as we look forward to seeing you and answering any questions you may have.
The Cerritos Sheriff’s Station is seeking Volunteers on Patrol (VOPs). Patrolling the City in distinctly marked vehicles, VOPs assist with crime suppression, traffic control, vacation checks, special events and park security checks. They serve as additional “eyes and ears” for the Sheriff’s Department and train as first responders in the event of a major emergency or disaster.
If you are interested in helping Cerritos maintain its reputation as a safe place to live and work, the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station encourages you to apply to be a VOP. For more information, contact the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044, or visit the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station to obtain an application.
If you are interested in becoming a Block Captain in the Cerritos Neighborhood Watch, contact the Community Safety office at 562-916-1266. Block Captains act as contacts for the Sheriff’s Department and the Community Safety Division on behalf of their neighbors. They are also responsible for distributing information and do a great deal to promote public safety in Cerritos.
Remember, informed citizens who use safe living strategies are safer citizens! We encourage residents, business owners, and their employees to consider joining the Virtual Block Club (VBC). If you are interested in helping our Sheriff’s Department prevent and reduce crime, and enhancing your own personal and neighborhood safety, join the VBC on-line at our website devoted to public safety in the City of Cerritos. We encourage you to share the information with your family, friends, and co-workers. Go to to sign up.